What to Expect

First visit

When you arrive, a staff member will check you in, document your insurance information (if you choose to use it), and complete a couple of standard documents such as the HIPAA privacy and consent to care forms.

Next, we will establish your baseline through outcome assessments, a discussion about your current injury or complaint, and establish your medical history.

After a thorough discussion, we will perform an exam to help us understand the nature of your injury or dysfunction. If it’s appropriate to proceed with care, we will fully explain the treatment to prevent any uncertainty or confusion.

Then, you will receive your first treatment.

After your first treatment, we will take payment for the visit and schedule your follow up. In total, you can expect your first visit at Northcenter Healthcare to take around 45 to 60 minutes.

Between your first visit and follow up visit, we will look over your exam results and medical history to determine an appropriate course of care based on the severity and nature of your condition.

Follow up

On the second visit to Northcenter Healthcare, we will check you in at the front desk, review the official findings from your first visit, talk about your course of care, and review your insurance benefits (if clarification is needed).

From there, we will move into your second treatment, which will most likely include some form of soft tissue work, adjustment, and — if you are ready — some therapeutic exercises to practice at home.

Your follow up visit at Northcenter Healthcare will take around 30 minutes.

Regular visit for care

For all following visits, you will check in at the front desk, and we will continue with your customized care plan. A typical visit will take around 30 minutes.